Better living through Chemistry

Posted by Roie R. Black on Thu 20 February 2014

It has been a few days since my first big dose of Chemo at M.D Anderson, and the full effects are starting to settle in. They told me I would feel down from them, and I think they are right. I am feeling tired, but little else.

Yesterday, I got an $8000 shot to boost my white blood cell count. Apparently that takes a big hit from the drugs they give you.

My new mantra

I have said this before, I tell my students this: You think you are in school to get an education to get yourself a good job. That is wrong. You are in school to get your self health care. You might not realize it now, but you will. You need that job to pay for that health care you will need soon enough. Hopefully, the job you get will be fun, and you will enjoy your career, but make sure it comes with good health care. That is essential

Healthcare is out of control

Yesterday, I needed an $8000 booster shot to bump up my white blood cell count. My doctor set me up to get that one with my Austin doctor here. That much was fine. Problems set in when the insurance company had to approve the cost. They did not like paying out the $8000 bill, even after it went down to around $750 when they did their normal insurance company magic. The shot had to happen within 48 hours, and they stalled it right up to the very limit. Why does this nonsense have to happen?

It came out OK, and I did get the shot, but you just want to throw the whole mess out and start over.

Obamacare is not the answer, and the answer is not coming out of the mouths of any politician, doctor, lawyer, insurance person, or anyone who has a stake in this. They all seen to want to get rich at this and every move seems to do just that and only that. Those who need care may or may not get it at costs that are staggering. What a mess!

I am thankful, I seem to be at a place in my life where I have the resources to fight through all of this, and can take care of my wife as well. Thank God for that!

So, where is the Chemistry?

I have so many drugs in my system now, I thought a review is in order. Here is the cocktail they have me on since Monday:


Antihistamine to combat skin rash and/or acne that may develop as a side effect of Cetuximab (see below). This was the first drug they gave me!

Side effects:


Boy were they right about this one, I was out like a light for most of the day after they gave me this. I woke up occasionally, but dozed back out after checking out what was going one a bit! All the rest, I practically slept through!


A targeted therapy drug “working on hyperdrive”. This is the new one I was there for.

Side effects:

Skin rash and/or acne, fatigue, low magnesium levels that cause nausea


Combat the effects of Cetuximab


Chemotherapy medicine that interferes with the growth of cells. This drug has been around for many years. I get another round of this in a week.

Side effects:

Low white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, low platelet count – all risking the chance of getting infection, Hair loss, Tingling in hands and feet, Fluid retention, Diarrhea, Nausea.

I knew I bought that Stetson for a reason. No hair loss yet, but I have the hat dusted off just in case.


Combat the effect of Docetaxel for nausea. The nausea is starting to set in a bit these days.


Chemotherapy medicine

Side effects:

Nausea or appetite loss (don’t become dehydrated), low white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, low platelet count – all risking the chance of getting infection, low magnesium levels that cause muscle weakness, nausea Low potassium levels causing fatigue, diarrhea

Boy, after reading all that, why go through taking all of that. Oh yeah. Being able to stand up is far better than lying down, permanently! Still, it is hard to go through all of this, but you either do it or give up, and I ain't one to do that!

What comes next

I have finished off this week, and am on tap for the next dose of Chemo here in Austin on Monday. I will just be getting a bit of the Docetaxel and having some blood work done this week, then I have two weeks off and start the whole thing over again with another trip to Houston and a visit with Dr. Kies. He wants to check me over and see how things are going.

I went on a second dose of nausea medicine last night since my stomach was a bit upset after teaching (no, it was not the students's fault), but that settled down so things seem ok now. Hopefully a restful weekend is coming up.

I keep watching my pillow for signs I need my new hat. Maybe they are all wrong!


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tags: cancer