Cool Books

Posted by Roie R. Black on Fri 05 February 2010

I got a Kindle just before Christmas, and so far I have read 17 books on the durned thing! Yikes, I need to learn how to read slower or this thing could get expensive. It is neat to read on a nice compact device, not so nice that it has no back-light, but a clip on LED light fixed that problem.

So, what are the cool books? Well Steven King's "Under the dome" is neat, but not one of the cool ones. For students, I recommend these:

"There are no electrons! Electronics for Earthlings" by Kenn Amdahl is a cool book that teaches what electronics is all about in a clever and amusing way - it will stick with you! This book predates all the "For Dummies" books and may have led the way! This one I had to read the old fashioned way - by flipping pages!

"Made to Stick" by Dan Heath is another cool book about how to present ideas in a way that "sticks". As a teacher, I am very interested in this topic, and hope to apply some of what I see in this one in my classes. I an currently clicking my way through this book.

On the Kindle, a book is not a "page turner" it is a "button clicker"! Ask my wife, I click a lot when I read!

Will I replace my Kindle with an iPad? Probably not. $800 is a bit much to replace my $250 Kindle. Color or not, I need another reason to buy an iPad! Neither device will fit into a pocket, but having so many books available in a compact gadget is addicting! Too bad it is so easy to order up another book. 15 seconds after I finish a book, I have another one loaded and a slightly smaller checking account! Sigh!


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