My new blog engine

Posted by Roie Black on Sat 01 February 2014

Those of you who have been following my adventures for the last few years might have noticed a break in the action the last few weeks. I had a PET scan a while back and tried to post an article about that only to find that my blog system broke down. The latest article went up fine, but everything else went missing. Attempts to find the missing articles showed them on the website, but not visible to mere mortals. Only the chosen few were able to make them appear.

To say I was unhappy is an understatement.

Turns out I fell prey to competing versions of components of my software. When you use "open source" tools written by nice folks who get no money for their work, you depend on their efforts to fix things when they go wrong. Sometimes they fix things, and sometimes they do not. This time, they did not.

So, I was stuck.

And I was not in the mood to worry about it while I waited for the results of my PET scan.

I am still not in the right nood, but I needed to get my blog fixed, so I have started working on a fix, and here is the start of that fix.

I have moved the system to a new engine, and will move over the old material as I get time. This post is the first of the new material I will be putting up. I will continue posting new material using this system, and as I get time, will post the old material in reverse order so you can review what came before. It should not take too long to get everything back up once I get into the swing of things.

Sorry for the mixup, not all my fault.



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