Party Time

Posted by Roie R. Black on Wed 23 April 2008

Break out the party duds and let's go get er done! Dr. Dziuk's staff does throw a party on the last day of treatment and they give out a plaque. These ladies (and a few gentlemen) have been very outgoing and helpful throughout all of this. I will miss seeing then every day. They will miss me, no more "Oh no, here comes trouble" when I walk in.


Cheryl, Karen and I made up some cards for all of them as farewell gifts, last night, and these were a big hit! Dr Dziuk even got misty-eyed at the card!


The plaque was from one of his heroes, John Wayne:

"Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway"

My cards said:

To an Unsung Hero,

You have made my journey through a dark time full of fun and laughter - at least as much as we both could muster given the situation. I hope I kept you on your toes as well

My wife and I thank you deeply for all your care

Which sums up my feelings about this fine team nicely.

We had confetti:


We celebrated by stopping in Best Buy and looking for ways to spend all the money we probably do not have. Maybe we will do a movie later. Me? I need to find something to fill those lost hours on MoPac!


And with all that behind me we move into the healing phase, followed by the testing to make sure we got everything we needed to! Time will tell, but life goes on!

Thanks again to all of you on my care team, you have made the journey possible, alone I do not like to think how I would have faired.


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