The Gadfly

Posted by Roie R. Black on Wed 03 February 2010

In a previous post, I talked about my experience as a kid – seeing a model airplane fly an amazing single flight. I have had the plans for that airplane sitting in my office at home waiting for me to get them framed. A few weeks back, I drove down to San Antonio to visit one of my favorite hobby shops – Second Chance Hobbies near Randolph Air Force Base. The owner of that shop – Jim Rice – has become a friend over the years, and I had not visited him since I I got so focused on dealing with my medical problems over the last nine months.

As I walked into the shop on this trip – I was stopped in my tracks! There hanging from the ceiling of his shop was the GadFly – the very airplane that I saw fly that summer day as an eight year old paper boy! Of course it was not the very craft, in fact it was a slightly larger version of the airplane. Colors and markings were exactly as I remembered them. It was like walking through a time machine!

As it turned out, the man who built the model had died and his son could not bring himself to throw the model out, so he offered it for sale in the hobby shop. Jim hung it up so visitors could see it. Actually he hung it up so I could see it – and see it I did! Coincidence? I doubt it!

I did not buy the craft that day – I needed to think about where I would put it. Instead, I went back last weekend on a shopping trip to the Randolph commissary with my wife. Needless to say, the plane came home with me. Where did id land – nowhere! It is flying in the ceiling of my office at home – right where it belongs!

Here she is – in all her glory!

GadFly model

Another coincidence – On the day I visited the hobby shop, the builder’s father was standing there. As I bought the plane, he told me about his son and grandson’s experiences with it, and I related my story as well. It was another of those memorable moments in life – one you cannot explain, but one you will not forget! I promised him that his son’s handiwork would get an honorable display. I may take it to school from time to time – maybe it will inspire yet another young career.


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