The new (Evil) Visitor in the room

Posted by Roie Black on Wed 22 January 2014

This post is hard to write, so I will keep it short.

Last evening, Dr. Scholl called me with bad news. The cancer is back. That means it has resisted the radiation, and the surgery did not get it out. He is at a point where more surgery will basically render my face a mess, even to the loss of an eye. And, without effective radiation, it will not do any good anyway. So the cancer is going to stay with me this time.

Now, there is an elephant in the room.

There is still hope

There is always hope, if you allow it to happen. There are new Chemotherapy drugs now, not available six years ago, that can keep what is there from growing more. That will keep me going, but for how long we do not know.

Next move

We now need to shift gears and talk to my Oncologist, Dr Fain. He will be the one directing the drug treatment plan, and we see him next week.

Both Cheryl and I had a bad night, but are more calm today.

I am going to approach this "elephant" the way I approached all of this. It will not break me! I am clearly not happy, nor am I devastated by the news.

Coming to terms with the elephant

I think I have come to terms with all of this. I trust my doctors, my care-givers (especially Cheryl), and everyone who has been with me on this journey. Most of all , I trust God to do the right thing.

If all of this works, I have more to write. If not, I still have more to write. So I will, maybe more than I have been lately.


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