We Need More Power

Posted by Roie R. Black on Mon 21 April 2008

This weekend was not so hot, as my mouth started hurting pretty much full time. After my treatment today, I discussed this with my doctor (actually, doctor #6) and his comment was "Captain, we need more power here", well not actually, but he did agree I needed something stronger in the pain area. So I am on the patch now - and I have absolutely no interest in smoking now. Wait, this patch is actually a three day timed release pain drug which will help a lot since Cheryl has been telling folks that I hover near the clock waiting for time to take another dose of pain medicine - All too true!

I also hit the wall as far as teaching goes. Between the chemo and radiation pain, I cannot talk for a full hour now (Alright, quiet in the peanut gallery! I know that has not happened in 60 something years!) I feel like I am letting my students down, though, but we are working out how to get through the rest of the semester which is only about three weeks. My boss has been great through all of this - helping me keep at it as I can and letting me have the time off when needed. Teaching has been a big help in keeping my head screwed on straight! I will probably be back after we end the treatments, but we will need to wait and see.


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