
batch file

The Windows term for a script


Basic I/O System. A ROM chip on all PC systems that provides the program run by the machine on power up. Originally, this program did a health check of the system, then loaded a boot loader to load an operating system. In the early days of the PC it also provided a basic set of I/O services for applications. This code is rarely used today.

boot loader

A small program installed on a boot sector of a physical disk that will be loaded by the BIOS of the system. This program usually begins the loading of the operating system.

boot sector

The sector(s) identified to hold the boot loader. Usually only one on track 0. sector 0 of a physical drive.


A form of networking where a virtual machine gets an IP address from the network as though it was a real computer


We draw a picture of the Internet as a cloud. The cloud is a place “out there” where a number of servers live. We do not worry about where the physical servers are, we access them remotely.

command line

A text line that directs the operating system to perform same function.

command prompt

The “old fashioned” way of controlling a computer. On Windows systems, this involves using the “command prompt” window (found under Accessories), and on Linux systems, the “terminal window”.

command prompt

The simple text only window where you can control the computer. On Windows, you get here using :menuselection:Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> Command Prompt. On Linux, this is called the shell and you open a Terminal application to see it.

complex number

A number with a real part and an imaginary part. Also used in engineering.


A simple text window which provides a textual interface to the operating system


A set of files needed to build a single program construct like an object file or executable


The system used to assign Internet Protocol addresses to machines on a local network. This service is usually provided by a server or router in a network. bridged A networking scheme where a virtual machine requests an IP address from the network DHCP server.

floating point number

A number with a fractional part

functional programming

An interesting form of programming where everything is a function. Languages like Scheme and caml are examples. They are used to get students going in programming at places like Carnegie Mellon!


1 MB * 1 MB = 1099511627776 bytes


Graphicsl User Interface A user interface were the mouse and windows are used to control applications.

home directory

Each user has a directory on the operating system where they normally store all their files. On a Linux system this is in /home/username. On Windows, it is C:\Users\username.

Integrated Development Environment

A tool used by programmers to manage software projects

Integrated Development Environment

A collection of common programmer’s tools integrated into a single application with features that can greatly speed up program development. Unfortunately, typical IDE systems are complex and may not support all the languages you use, or be available on all the platforms you use.

imaginary number

A number based on the square root of -1. Used in engineering.


A number with no fractional part.


A feature of programming languages that let you ask questions about the program being run. We are looking inside the program as it runs!

Internet Protocol

The rules that are used to specify the movement of data over the network.


1024 * 1024 = 1048576 bytes.


Programs that explore the characteristics of objects in the language itself. We might ask about the type of an object, or ask what methods are recognized by an object.

Network Address Translation

A form of networking where a virtual machine shares the host IP address and cannot be reached from outside the host.

object oriented

Languages that focus on objects which usually represent some real world thing. We create a container for an object that holds the attributes (characteristics) of the object, and we create code that can manipulate those attributes. However this code is executed by the object itself in response to a message sent to it by another object. Interesting concept!


Many developers code because they love the work they do. If the projects they build might be useful to othere, they publish the code for all to see. The licensing on such projects actually encourages others to join in and help with development. You need to read some of these licenses and then get involved!

Random Access Memory

The most common form of memory in a computer. This memory is volatile.

real world

A fictitious place you never seem to live in. You are always talking about how it is there, but no one knows for sure since no one has found it yet!


A text-based file system that serves as a database for a source-code control system like Subversion.

source code control system

A tool that stores all code for a project in a database-like system that can show changes to the code over time. It also lets teams of programmers manage code for a single project. Common SCCS tools include Subversion and Git.


A file containing code usually processed by an operating system. Typically used by administrators to automate tasks.


Creating a script to automate some activity.

scripting language

A programming language created primarily for creating system scripts


Another term for a program that gives you a command prompt interface to your system.

secure shell

A terminal interface designed to let users communicate with a server over an encrypted channel. Widely used by systems adminstrators to work on remote servers.

super user

The account on Linux system with administrator privileges. They can do anything!

system clock

All computers have a clock module that “ticks” at some rate. The processor processes machine instructions in time to this clock.

system path

Most operating systems search for files to execute by examining directories listed in a system variable called the PATH.

virtual disk

A virtual machine manages a special disk file as though it was a physical disk. NAT Network Address Translation. A networking scheme where a virtual machine can share the host network IP address.

virtual machine
virtual machines

A program that emulates a real machine accurately enough to run real programs for that machine.


The form of memory that loses contents when power is removed from the system.


If you think of electrons moving through wires as water moving through pipes, then voltage is the pressure in the wire pushing the electrons along.

working copy

A copy of a project managed by a source code control system like Subversion. This is the area where the code for the project is created. Changes are committed to the repository at various times during development.