.. _lab1: Lab1: Calculating the Hypotenuse ################################ .. note:: This project will be graded as a lab, but you are to place it in your homework repository, in a folder named "LAB1". Future lab work will be in separate repositories. .. include:: /references.inc As a simple check to see if you can put together a basic C++ program. In this lab, you will build a simple program that does the following: Display a Header **************** All programs should identify themselves (at least in this class!) Make your program display the following text: .. code-block:: text Finding the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle. Author: Ask the User for Input ********************** Next, prompt the user to enter two numers. Tell them what to enter with a prompt: .. code-block:: text Enter the length of the first side (as a floating point number): Read the input number and store it in a suitable variable. Prompt the user in a similar way for the second side length. Find the Final Length ********************* You should know the formula for this part. Set up an expression to evaluate this final value, and store it in a suitable variable. .. note:: You will need the ``sqrt`` function to get the answer. DO a bit of research on how to access this functon. (Hint: you need another "include" line in your program!) Display the Result ****************** Finally, output the final result: .. code-block:: text The length of the hypotenuse is xxxx.xxxx Looping ******* To make this more interesting, wrap all of this (Except the header) in a loop. You will stop the program when the length of the first side is a negative number. What to Turn In *************** You will submit all of your work using your GitHub_ account, placing your project in a folder named "LAB1". (Remember that for this lab only, you will place this in your homework repository.) When is This Due? ***************** Unless told otherwise, all labs and homework are due on the Sunday of the week they are assigned.