.. _first-look-at-git: GitHub Classroom Projects ######################### .. wordcount:: .. vim:ft=rst spell: .. include:: /references.inc To get started using GitHub_, we will need to learn a few new terms, and use new tools. Assuming you worked through installing the needed tools, we are ready to check your system, and get you started. Fire up a Command Prompt ************************ We will do everything here at the command line. On the PC, start the ``CMD`` program (search for it using the search box). On Mac systems, open the ``Terminal`` application located under ``Applications -> Utilities``. On Linux, look for the ``Term`` program. All three will open up a window that looks pretty stark! You should see the "prompt", which is a line ending with a ``>`` character on Windows, and ending with a dollar sign (``$``) on Linux/Mac. Here is my default window: .. image:: images/mac-terminal.png :align: center .. note:: On PC systems, this window defaults to white on black. You can customize things so it is not so hard on your eye(s). I have problems reading white text on a black screen, and that setup is difficult to read when projected in class. For that reason, I swap colors to get black on white YMMV! To change things, right-click on the title bar and select "Defaults" The controls there let you make changes. Be careful, though. The changes do not apply to the current windw. You need to close this one, then open another one to see the changes. These notes show Windows prompts, since most of you will be working there. As we move along in our work, I will switch to Linux/Mac style and just show the prompt as a simple dollar sign character. .. warning:: If you elect to use the machines in the CS labs, things are going to be a bit different. Because of some security issues, we had to install the ``Git Bash`` tools to give you access to Git_. That means you will need to work inside the ``Git Bash`` window, which you can open using the Windows Explorer tool. The commands you use here are actually Linux/Mac commands. Finding a Home for Your Work **************************** Before you do anything else for this class, create a single directory (OK, folder if you insist) where all classwork will be located. Inside that directory, we will place several other sub-directories as we work through the class. I am going to assume you will place this class directory in your "Home" folder. On a PC this is under ``C:\Users\username``. You will see my home directory in these notes. On Linux, the home directory is under ``/Users/username`` (note the use of forward slashes here. Only Windows uses backward slashes!) Here is how you create the folder, after opening up a ``command-prompt`` window: .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack> mkdir cosc1336 Obviously, you should use your real class name. Now, move into that new directory for the rest of this lecture: .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack< cd cosc1336 C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336> Notice that the prompt now shows the path to the current directory, starting at the root of the ``C`` drive. The actual command "prompt" is just the angle bracket at the end of the line. That is Windows, waiting for you to type in a command! The first thing we need to do is check that all the needed tools are installed. Preflight Checks ***************** OK, so I am a pilot! A "preflight" is something you do before you ever fire up the engine on an airplane. Here, we need to make sure all the tools you will need are properly installed for use on the command line. There are five basic tools we need to do our work: * Programmer's Editor: Vim_ or gVim_ * see :ref:`installing-vim` * Program Build Tool: Make_ * see :ref:`installing-make` * Code Manager: Git_ * see :ref:`installing-git` * Programming Languages: * Python_ (We will be using version 3.7) * see :ref:`installing-python` * C++: (We will use g++) * see :ref:`installing-cpp` The messages you will see as we check things are sometimes pretty long. I have truncated them in these notes. If the exact versions are different, see me to make sure you are not using software that is out of date. Checking Your Tools =================== Here are the checks we need to make sure these tools are available. The actual response has been truncated, leaving off things like a copyright notice and other details we do not need to worry about. Programmer's Editor -------------------- I do not require that you use Vim (or gVim), but learning this editor will be very useful to you. Here is a check to see that it is installed: .. code-block:: bash $ vim --version VIM - Vi IMproved 8.0 (2016 Sep 12, compiled Nov 29 2017 18:37:46) Included patches: 1-503, 505-680, 682-1283 You can use Vim_ from the command line, or start the GUI version (gVim). The real difference is that with the GUI version, you can use your mouse to move the cursor and select things. I usually oprn up a file using the "context menu" (which you get to my right clicking on a file name) and select "Edit with Vim". That opens the GUI version. I leave that edit window open and then start a command prompt window in the same directory. You cna switch back and forth, editing and running using that scheme. Git --- We cannot get very far without this one: .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336>git --version git version 2.15.1.windows.2 Make ---- As we work through the course, you will start getting irritated by the need to type in long commands all the time. You are not alone in that. Back in 1976, another developer got sick enough of that to build a tool that issued commands for him. That tool has been a part of the development landscape ever since. We will use it as well. The tool is called ``make``, since it is used primarily to "make" programs. (Creative name, huh?) .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336>make --version GNU Make 3.81 C/C++ Compiler -------------- If you are learning Python, you can skip this one. You will see it soon enough! .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336>g++ --version g++ (x86_64-posix-seh-rev1, Built by MinGW-W64 project) 7.2.0 Python ------ All of my students will need Python. Those learning (or using) C/C++ will need Python_ for documentation. More on that later in the course! .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336>python --version Python 3.7.0 You may have a different version of Python installed. We need a version that is at least 3.6 for our work. With all of these tools ready for use, we can now turn to actually setting up places where we will build our projects. Configuring Git *************** When you first start using Git_ these are some setup steps you need to do. Registering your Identity ========================= The most important step tells Git_ who you are. This information is recorded when you record changes in a project. Although this is not that important when you work alone, it is critical in team work. This information can help identify who made some change, and finding that person might be vital to figuring out what.why things changed. Open up a command prompt and do this: .. code-block:: bash > git config --global user.name "John Doe" > git config --global user.email johndoe@example.com of course, you should use your own credentials here! This creates a ``.gitconfig`` file in your "home directory" with this data, and a bit more stuff Git_ uses. To see where this file is on your system, yo can type this: .. code-block:: bash > git config --global --list If the file does not exist, you will see a message telling you when Git_ expected to find it. If it does exist, you will see what is in that file. .. note:: You only do this step once. Easier Access to GitHub ======================= This step will make your life easier by eliminating the need to type in your username and password every thime you interact with the server. .. warning:: I am still testing this part on my Windows 10 setup. Some of the needed programs have changed. Check back here soon to get the updated information. Until them, sorry, you just need to type in those credentials. Git Repositories **************** Git_, like all seasoned developers, keeps everything needed to build a program in a single directory (or folder, for you Windows folks). Usually, we name that folder something to help us know what project the folder is all about. Git_ calls a managed folder a "repository". The only difference between a repository and a normal folder is the presence of a hidden subdirectory Git_ uses to store all of its working data. We set up a folder for all class projects earlier in this note. Now, it is time to build a single repository folder where all of your homework will be stored. You do not need to create that folder yourself. Instead, we will build one on GitHub_, then get a copy of that same folder on our local development system. .. warning:: Make sure you select the right link below. Use the one for your exact class/section! Goofing up here is not harmful, but you will need to start over and do it correctly if you click the wrong link. I have already set up the classroom repository image you will use to create your homework repository on GitHub_. What you need to do is click on the "invitation" link below (for your class). That will cause GitHub_ to build a private version of this repository, and add your name to the end of it. This repository will be visible to you, but will not be stored in your public area on GitHub_. Instead, it will be stored in an "organization" account with your class name. As your instructor, I "own" all files in that organization. You (and I) will be able to see everything you place here. Go ahead and click the link below, and follow the directions you see on GitHub_ * `COSC1336-032 `_ * `COSC1337-004 `_ * `COSC1337-013 `_ * `COSC2325-002 `_ At the bottom of the page that will display, there is a link titled "Accept this assignment". You do need to do that! At the bottom of the next page that appears, after GitHub_ gets done setting you up, you will see a URL for your new repository. Be sure to make a note of that. You will need to hunt for this later when you log back into GitHub_. When you get done with this step, your repository is on GitHub_ and has exactly no code files in it. We need to "clone" this repository onto your local workstation. Create a "Working Copy" ======================= The "master" copy of your work is always going to live on GitHub_. You will never work directly on that version. Instead, we will make a "working copy" of the project on your development workstation. To get this copy, we will "clone" the master copy using Git_ Make sure you are in your class folder (named after the class). Then run this command on the command line: .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336> git clone https://github.com/ACC-COSC1336-032-FA18/homework-rblack42 .. warning:: The name you will use will look similar, but will have your GitHub_ user name instead of mine! When this command runs, your system will connect with GitHub_. You will be asked to provide your GitHub_ username and the password you set up on that system. Git will then download your project repository. .. note:: If your system complains while trying this, we may need to address some security issues on your system. See me for help. You will see a message indicating that you have cloned an empty repository. That is fine, you have done no work yet! The directory it creates will look empty, but it has one very important folder hidden inside it. On a PC, do this: .. code-block:: bash C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336> cd homework-rblack42 C:\Users\rblack\cosc1336\homework-rblack42> DIR /AH 09/03/2018 11:19 PM .git o File(s) 0 bytes I first moved into my project folder using the ``cd`` (change directory) command. Then I used the ``DIR`` command (short or "directory" with a special option to show me hidden files and folders in this directory. ANy file with a name that begins with a "dot" is treated as "hidden" and you normally will not see it when you look at things in a directory. That ``.git`` directory is vital to Git_. Under that directory, Git_ will keep everything it needs to track your project and all of the versions you create. .. warning:: Never alter anything under this directory yourself. All Git_ commands modify things there. If you ever want to "disconnect" your project from Git_ management, just delete this directory, and all of your prior work will be gone! Check your GitHub Connection ============================= When you "clone" a project repository, Git_ keeps track of where it came from. The name it uses for the server (GitHub_) is "remote". We can make sure we are hooked up to GitHub_ properly by doing this: .. note:: To shorten up these notes, I am going to drop everything on the command prompt but that last character. .. code-block:: bash > git remote -v origin https://github.com/ACC-COSC1336-032-FA18/homework-rblack42 (fetch) origin https://github.com/ACC-COSC1336-032-FA18/homework-rblack42 (push) This shows the correct connection. Ignoring Unneeded Files ======================= When you start working in a new repository, it is a good idea to tell Git_ what kinds of files to "ignore". These files are things you can rebuild later, or just do not want stored on GitHub_. Here is the file I use for class work (it handles Python and C/C++ files I generate). Open up your editor in the directory where the ``.git`` subdirectory is located. .. code-block:: bash > vim .gitignore .. note:: Windows has a real issue letting you work with files named with a leading dot. Telling your editor to create the file this way gets around that. You cannot easily rename a file to somehthing with a leading dot! Type this in: .. code-block:: text # Python projects *.py[cod] __pycache__ # Vim files *~ *.swp # C/C++ projects *.o *.a We will add a few more lines to this file as we move through the course. Add a "README" file =================== Most projects you see on GitHUb_ have a file named ``README`` (possibly with an extension) at the top of the project repository. This file is supposed to provide useful informtion to folks exploring your project. Let's add such a file in our project repository, and get it on the server. Make sure you are working inside of this repository folder, then open up your editor and create a file named ``README.rst`` with the contents below (changed to suit, of course): .. code-block:: text COSC1336 Homework Projects ########################## :Student: Roie R. Black :Student: Roie R. Black :Class: COSC1336-032 :School: Austin Community College :Course: Programming Fundamentals I This repository hold homework assignments for the Fall 2018 class at ACC. Use the ``DIR`` command to make sure the file is where it is supposed to be! .. code-block:: bash > DIR 09/03/2018 11:46 PM . 09/03/2018 11:46 PM .. 09/03/2018 11:46 PM 286 README.rst You might see other things here. You will NOT see the ``.git`` directory. See What Git Thinks =================== Let's ask Git_ to check our project now: .. code-block:: bash > git status On branch master No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) README.rst nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) This is showing you that there is a new file under your project directory (Duh!) We need to "add" this file to our project. Huh!< We just did that! Git does not track files unless you tell it to. Often, there will be files in your project folder you do not want on GitHub_. Those files are usually ones we can recreate using the files we do track. We want to track this one, so we will use this command: .. code-block:: bash > git add . Look closely, there is a dot at the end of that line! Git_ said nothing in response to this. Let's see what it thinks now: .. code-block:: bash > git status On branch master No commits yet Changes to be committed: (use "git rm --cached ..." to unstage) new file: README.rst Hmmm, the new file is now marked as a new file! "Commit" this Version ===================== Now for the big step. We want to officially tell Git_ to track this version of our project. Git_ will wrap up all files it sees at this moment, put a timestamp on it so we can return here later if needed. Do this: .. code-block:: bash > git commit -m "added README file" [master (root-commit) b30fd73] added README 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 README.rst That message is important. We are "committing" this version, and adding a message telling us what we did. Some developers are fanatic about the messages. They end up in a log we can browse later to see how things changed. That log can help you return to an earlier version if needed. If you fail to add that message (and the ``-m`` flag) Git_ will launch your editor and make you say something. Save yourself the hassle of that and always add a message. Now check to see what Git_ thinks: .. code-block:: bash git status On branch master Your branch is based on 'origin/master', but the upstream is gone. (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup) nothing to commit, working tree clean This is good. Git_ has a snapshot of your project safely tucked away. All that remains is to get this on GitHub): Push To GitHub ============== This step is easy. Well it is except for providing your credentials again! .. code-block:: bash > git push origin master Counting objects: 3, done. Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 216 bytes | 216.00 KiB/s, done. Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0) To https://github.com/ACC-COSC1336-032-FA18/HOMEWORK-RBLACK42 * [new branch] master -> master Now, check Git_ one last time: .. code-block:: bash > git status On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. nothing to commit, working tree clean This is what you want to see before you walk away from a development session. What it means is that you have an exact copy of all of your work safely on your machine, and on GitHub_. Check GitHub ============ I recommend opening up your web browser and finding your project repository there. What you will see may surprise you. That ``README.rst`` file is proudly displayed on the project page, nicely formatted. Git_ processes any file named "something.rst" assuming it is a file written in |RST| notation. The text we wrote is in this format. We will see more of this notation later. Break Time! Walk Away ********************* When you get here, it is safe to walk away from your project. Even if someone steals your development machine, we could "clone" another copy to a different machine, install the needed tools, and continue work. It is not uncommon for developers to use several machines in ther work. I have PC, Mac, and Linux machines available, and can (and do) test things on all three platforms to make sure my projects really are ready for use in the "wild"! Set Up a Playground ******************* I always recommend that you set up separate directories where you can "play". The work you do here is experimental, and when you figure something out that seems to work, you copy the new idea into a managed project. DO not play in a real project, you might mess things up. Git_ will help protect you, but it is good practice to be careful when you code for real. I also set up another directory where I can clone interesting projects I find on GitHub_. Doing this is for study purposes. You can almost always find code on GitHub_ that will help you learn new techniques, languages, etc. My laptop has over 50 cloned projects now. I can try them out, and study them as I like. Here are the folders I create for a class: .. code-block:: bash > mkdir sandbox > mkdir github Guess why I named the first one "sandbox". You may need to remember what it was like being a kid! .. warning:: NEVER clone a repository into another repository. Both of the folders above will live beside any repositories i build for my class work. Accidentally putting one repository inside another one is a very common mistake for beginners to make. Be careful not to do this! At this point, you are ready to submit real assignments. Check the ``HW2`` link for further guidance on doing that!