HW 1: GitHub Setup

Read time: 14 minutes (3620 words)

Due Date

Saturday, Jan 26.


After you complete this assignment, email your github user name to me at rblack@austincc.edu. Be sure to include “HW1” in the subject line to receive credit. This is the only assignment you will submit by email!


Before you can get any work graded for this course, you must set up a personal account on GitHub. This is a free service that hosts millions of open-source projects. As a software developer, this is an incredible resource, one you should explore often when looking into how to use a new language, or developer’s tool. It is a place to see examples of outstanding code, and terrible code. Exploring this site can make you a better programmer.


NEVER submit any code to me that you copied directly from GitHub or any other source, including other students in this class. . Doing so will result in a grade of zero for that assignment. If the infraction occurs more than once, you will automatically be issued a grade of zero for the course.

Part 1: Create your account

  1. Navigate to GitHub using your favorite web browser.

  2. Find the sign-in panel that looks like this:

  3. Enter a unique user name.



This name is something a potential employer will see when they consider you for a job. Do not pick a name that will embarrass you in that situation. You may regret that name later. YMMV!

  1. Enter a suitable email address. I recommend that you use your ACC email address.

  2. Pick a password you can remember.

To complete this assignment, email your user name to me!

Part 2: Create a Homework Repository

In this step, you will be creating a directory (folder for you Windows folks) where all homework assignments will be “submitted”. Actually, submitting any assignment in this course will involve making sure your work shows up on GitHUb. Exactly how you will do that is something we will go over in class. For now, just follow along.

Make sure your GitHub account is set up, then click on the following link:


Make sure you click on the link for your section!

GitHub calls this link an “invitation”. Basically, you are agreeing to work on a project, and GitHub will create a custom repository for you on their server. The project folder will have a name that includes your GitHub user name. The project will be in a folder on their server, and you can see this folder by navigating to a URL that looks something like this:


Use your section number on the link, and your GitHub_username.

The folder GitHub creates for you will be empty. However, it will be set up to be managed by Git. You will need to “clone” a copy of this folder onto your development workstation to get set up to submit homework for this class. We will go over this in class, but basically, you will be doing this from a command line prompt:

cd cosc2325
git clone https://github.com/ACC-COSC2325-003-SP18/homework-username.git

You will end up with a new folder on your machine named homework-username. You will be working inside that folder when you work on homework problems.

For now, I want you to create a simple text file in this new homework folder. The file needs to be located directly inside the homework folder and must be named README.rst. Place this text in this file:

COSC2325 Homework Projects
:Author: First Last
:Term: Spring 2019
:Instructor: Roie R. Black
:School: Austin Community College

This repository holds all homework assignments for this class.

Once this gill has been saved on youtr system, do these three steps:

$ git add README.rst
$ git commit -m "Added README file"
$ git push origin master

On that last step, you will be asked for your username and password on GitHub. Git will transmit a copy of this new file to the GitHub server and you should see this file on their system using your web browser.

If you see the README file using your web browser, you have successfully started doing development work using Git. You joined a gigantic community of developers all doing the same thing every minute of every day. Wow!

Now, make sure you send off that email to me, and you are done!