Tag Surgery


More Dental Work

We reached a milestone this week! We visited M>D> Anderson, and came back with more parts than we went over with! Progress! Day 1 - Prep...

Swallow Tests and Staple Removal

It has been two weeks since modification v5.0, and we are back at M.D. Anderson for tests and follow-up visits with Dr. Yu, the plastic...

Pain is a Pain

Home Again! The cat has forgiven us for abandoning him to cat-sitters for 10 days! I can lay in my own Sleep-Number adjustable bed!...

Discharge Day

I must have gotten on the nerves of the nurses today. They threw me out! Actually, one of the nurses said she was going to miss me and...


Today is day six after surgery. I had another eventful night, visiting with nurses, checking email, watching TV. Wait! That was from...

3AM at M.D. Anderson

No one gets much sleep at M.D. Anderson! Here I am, at Version 5.0, hanging out with my night nurse, Yesinia (whose parents got the idea...